In the age of increasing struggle to reduce manufacturing costs of mechanical components, ensuring optimum workholding inside the machine is becoming particularly important for virtually all industries. The progress in the development of machining tools, and the selection of efficient machining centres leads to exerting higher and higher machining forces on the workpiece, which in turn poses increased demands on fixture design. The solution to this problem are appropriately designed hydraulic and pneumatic clamping systems.
Our seventeen years of experience in designing and manufacturing of clamping systems allows us to achieve state-of-the-art machining process efficiency. Our products allow for making even the most complicated workpieces, reducing cycle time, and at the same time, increasing quality in the production process. Cycle time is minimized both through the significant reduction of the time spent on changing the clamped workpiece, improving milling parameters and in some cases even reducing amount of machining steps. This allows to significantly increase the profitability of mass production of components, which has a measurable impact on the competitiveness of our customers on the global market.